If one could smell the color green...it may well be the smell of this particular tree. The fresh, woody aroma of the cypress tree is enough to make you believe you are delightfully lost in a forest of evergreens. If you’re wondering where exactly you may have observed a cypress tree, visualize those two stately conifers in the foreground of The Starry Night, the famous oil painting by Vincent Van Gogh. It was certainly a big moment for the cypress when Van Gogh decided to focus his artist efforts on it! Cypress trees have long been used as lovely landscaping in cemeteries, so chances are you’ve laid eyes on them plenty of times, perhaps without knowing what you were looking at.
Proceeding from a tree that has come to be known as a symbol of both mourning and hope, dōTERRA® Cypress has an aroma well-suited for times of loss and transition. Sourced sustainably in Kenya, Spain and Morocco, each bottle packs an exclusive blend of two distinct varieties of cypress oil, distilled from a total of about nine pounds of cypress leaves. The power of aromatics to transport us to magical places is perfectly demonstrated by this lively, herbaceous oil! Cypress is frequently used in spas and massages, not only for its refreshing fragrance but for its plentiful benefits to the skin. Add one or two drops to your facial toner to help improve the skin’s appearance, or combine with Lavender and Sandalwood for even more healthy skin support. To promote circulation, massage feet and legs with Cypress - a great idea just before your daily run. Those sweet balsamic undertones also make Cypress a popular feature in colognes and aftershaves. Pleasant, woody, and romantic? We’ll take it!
Diffuse, massage, or inhale, but keep your methods of enjoyment to the outside of your body; Cypress essential oil should not be swallowed. The scent of Cypress combines very well with the whole host of citrus oils, so bring out your Lemon, Lime, and Wild Orange to mix with this one. Keep this blending idea in mind for times when you feel stressed or out of control. You know those situations when you desperately want to orchestrate everything down to the last detail, but it’s just not possible? Well, if the name of this diffuser blend could be used to describe you at times, you may want to work it into your routine.
Control Freak
• 3 drops Cypress
• 3 drops Lime
• 3 drops Peppermint
Keeping Cypress and Lime together as your balancing, energizing base, try substituting Peppermint with another woody oil like Sandalwood or Frankincense for an extra note of depth and grounding. We all have our favorite uses for dōTERRA oils; but in this wild world, emotional stability is a huge benefit for us all. Few other blends could rival the next one!
Rested and Rooted
• 3 drops Cypress
• 3 drops Lavender
• 3 drops Frankincense
Balancing and comforting, like a pensive walk in the woods, Cypress imparts security and strength during times of change. Twist open your bottle today to drink in the aroma of the stately green tree that symbolizes much-needed hope.