As my gardening friends know, the term perennial describes plants that continue growing without interruption. It also describes something persistent, perpetual, enduring, constant, and even everlasting. These words fittingly describe the fennel seed, which is steam distilled into dōTERRA® Fennel essential oil. Think you’ve heard of Fennel before, but can’t quite place it? Perhaps you’ve experienced its digestive superpowers within DigestZen® digestive blend, a fan favorite in which Fennel combines with Peppermint, Ginger, and other soothing oils.
In ancient Rome, soldiers ate fennel to prepare for battle, believing it would impart strength. The city of Marathon, from which a courier once ran at great personal risk to Athens to deliver news of a military victory, was known for its abundant growth of fennel. Not a bulb, shoot or seed of this ancient herb ever need go to waste, because every single part of the herb is edible. Chances are you’re not up for a handful of fennel as a pre-war snack, so let’s explore the uses of Fennel oil in the here and now!
Fennel adds a strong, robust flavor to dishes such as sausage and soup. Add a pinch on the end of a toothpick for a sharp, flavorful addition to a dip or salad, starting with just enough oil to impart savory flavor. Fennel continues to be kind to you even after you’ve finished dinner by promoting healthy digestion and metabolism. If you find yourself in the unpleasant situation of feeling overfilled and overindulged after a meal, use Fennel, an oil well-equipped to address belly complaints. Add a few drops of Fennel to a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil for a soothing abdominal massage, and remember that this oil combines nicely with spicy oils, such as Clove and Ginger, in addition to the citrus family of oils.
The peculiar sweetness and distinct licorice aroma of Fennel oil make it a fantastic aid in the war against sugar cravings. A single drop in your water or tea can trick the body into thinking it’s indulging in a sinfully sweet treat! This amazing deception is due to the fact that the primary chemical constituent of Fennel oil is, indeed, many times sweeter than sugar.
Middle Eastern cultures have long employed fennel in their cuisine, taking advantage of the fact that it flourishes in close proximity to the Mediterranean Sea; but dōTERRA Fennel is actually sourced in Moldova. In this lesser known land, tucked away between Romania and Ukraine, high-quality sourcing and a big social impact unite to create a powerful story. Because of short daylight hours during winter, children in the village of Nikolaevka once walked home from school on dark streets. Workers in the oil distillery also returned home in the dark, and the community lacked the resources to improve this poorly lit situation. In 2021, Healing Hands® Europe provided the funding to install streetlights, repair damaged electrical poles, and establish secure electrical connections, greatly improving community safety. One of many aspects I love about dōTERRA is their goal to treat others the way they would like to be treated.
You can take advantage of Fennel’s energizing aroma by diffusing to increase productivity, uplift mood, and inspire confidence. This must be what those Roman soldiers were going for when they ingested it before battle. As is the case with many amazing herbs, Westerners took longer to catch on to using fennel than their Eastern counterparts. Fortunately, now we’re catching on to the benefits of perennial Fennel! Used for centuries, supportive of digestive and respiratory health, Fennel offers us plenty of compelling reasons to experience its distinctively sweet licorice taste and aroma.